The Union of Artistes response to Mike Ward's statement caused a huge reaction

Mike Ward|Union des artistes|Podcast: As we told you earlier today, Mike Ward's podcast Under Listening is currently being pursued by the Union des artists despite its enormous success. The comedian just posted a comment on Facebook, and it has received a lot of attention.

According to Le Devoir, Mike Ward and the Union des artists (UDA) have been at odds for a number of months. The cause? The UDA is attempting to compel the comedian to compensate his visitors to Underwire in accordance with his union's rules.

Mike Ward soon asserted that he always treated his guests with respect, and several other people were quick to corroborate this claim.

But the comedian has made the decision to leave his Facebook page, and it hasn't gone ignored! He wrote : During their trip, Sous Listening will pay each visitor $1,500. We will give each of them $3,000 in the Videotron Centre. In conclusion, the Union des artists (UDA) can eat my ass.

Numerous thousand responses and comments have already been made in response to its publishing, particularly from a few well-known figures.

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