Karen Bass, the mayor of Los Angeles, received a $600 SKIMS swag bag from Kim Kardashian, but she declined it

Karen Bass, the mayor of Los Angeles, received a $600 SKIMS swag bag from Kim Kardashian, but she declined it

Kim Kardashian and her family attempted to give an SKIMS goodie bag as a gift, but they were declined. This certainly doesn't happen frequently, if at all that was the gift's recipient that declined it? Karen Bass, mayor of Los Angeles.

According to Reuters, who made a public documents request and subsequently obtained a list of the gifts given to Bass since she was sworn in as the first Black woman mayor of Los Angeles in December, the mayor has received more than 130 items.

The SKIMS swag bag that Kardashian and her family delivered on April 30 had 'SKIMS stuff, messenger, vodka, hot sauce, beauty things, face light shields and hats'. The log records that Bass declined to accept the swag bag, which had a $600 worth.

The city's ethics committee provides a justification for this rule, stating that "gifts from reportable sources are limited to $590 per source per year." The gift would exceed the cap by $10 because of the SKIMS swag bag.

The mayor also turned down other gifts like a $97 jewellery, a $100 tablet, a $260 handmade jersey from MLS team LAFC, a $400 outfit, and $220 worth of ski gear. But by far the most expensive gift was the SKIMS swag bag from the Kardashians.

Kardashian is a fantastic gift giver, if nothing else. For a weekend-long birthday celebration in Palm Springs in 2019, Kardashian travelled there with some of her sisters and closest friends to celebrate her 39th birthday.

Along with the excitement of a vacation, Kardashian's guests received some swanky gifts in the form of opulent gift bags that were stuffed to the gills with items from her SKIMS label.

The joyous videos of her friends opening the gift bags, which contained socks, bras, and even copies of Kims' selfie photo book, Selfish, were shared by the birthday girl on her Instagram Story.

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