Dwyane Wade Reveals the Reason Behind Equally Splitting Finances with Gabrielle Union and Their Prenup Agreements

Dwyane Wade Reveals the Reason Behind Equally Splitting Finances with Gabrielle Union and Their Prenup Agreements

Dwyane Wade • Gabrielle Union • Finance • Miami Heat:
Dwyane Wade discusses equal financial split with Gabrielle Union

In a recent episode of the Club Shay Shay podcast, retired NBA star Dwyane Wade opened up about the decision to split their finances evenly with his wife Gabrielle Union. Wade explained that the agreement came about after he made a comment about their home in Miami being solely his, which didn't sit well with Union. She made it clear that everything they shared should be acknowledged as such. When they moved to Los Angeles, Union emphasized that their new home was equally theirs, and Wade should refrain from referring to it as his alone.

Wade clarified that their decision to split finances equally extends to other aspects of their life as well. They jointly purchased their home and share equal responsibility for their daughter Kaavia. However, Wade also noted that they each take full responsibility for their respective family obligations, ensuring that their loved ones are cared for. While they split their finances equally, they still provide for their families individually.

The couple also discussed signing a prenuptial agreement. Wade mentioned that he was open to signing one, acknowledging Union's financial independence and success. In May, Union went viral for revealing in an interview that she and Wade split everything equally in their household. However, she admitted to still struggling with a scarcity mindset, stemming from her early days in Hollywood, where she worried about financial stability and supporting her loved ones.

The discussion between Wade and Union sheds light on their approach to financial matters and the importance they place on sharing responsibilities and supporting each other in their household and individual lives.

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